So, you want to know how to become an auto show model. It’s true, they do get to travel, work fun often times high profile events with great vehicle brands, and they make great friends along the way. But, the question is — how do you become one? The job isn’t as easy as it may seem, it takes certain types of person. But, let’s start with the basics.

What’s an Auto Show Model Anyway?

An auto show model works an auto show event representing a brand and talent is usually selected from a modeling agency. They are hired to learn the details of a vehicle or line of vehicles then interact with potential customers at auto shows answering vehicle questions, taking down potential customer information (leads), presenting to crowds and working interactive brand supportive experiences. Often times, the auto show models are required to attend an in-depth training then travel to a series of auto show events for the brand (called a circuit).  Some addition events may include things like ride and drives (where customers can test out a car), golf experiences (usually for luxury brands), NASCAR events, mall informational events, appreciation experiences and more.

What’s the Process To Become an Auto Show Model?

  1. You will need to find an agency that hires auto show models / has an auto show brand as a client. Motivated Models represents auto clients and accepts online submissions for those that want to be notified when we have castings in their area.
  2. You will need to audition. Some agencies will travel doing live auditions and you’ll need to sign up in advance for a date and time slot when they’re visiting a city near you. Others will hold online castings and accept video auditions or conduct Skype interviews. For online or in person interviews, they will often have you memorize and present a short auto show audition script.
  3. Often times you’ll get a callback, although you interviewed with the casting director, you’ll need to do another interview with the agent in charge of the brand.
  4. If selected for the auto show team, they’ll provide the dates for training which you will need to attend. Travel and lodging is covered for training if you’re not a local.
  5. At training you’ll go over product information, meet your fellow auto show brand talent that you’ll be working with and you’ll be provided wardrobe and fitting information to get the wardrobe tailored (if need be)
  6. After training the agent will assign events a few weeks to a few months in advance. Your travel (flights, lodging, etc.) will be booked by the agent if you’re not local to the area of the event.
  7. You’ll work various auto shows and events, if you do a great job they’ll book you more regularly and request you back for the following season

What is an Auto Show Model expected to do?

Auto Show Models usually travel to a series of events for a specific brand answering questions from potential or current customers. Some brands require their models to capture leads, others require some event setup/tear down, and others require talent to present a predetermined script to the crowds on a regular or semi regular basis. They are expected to arrive to all events with an upbeat attitude, ability to embody the look and feel of the brand, and be outgoing. The auto show season starts in the late summer/early fall and goes through the following summer. Although most event dates are known ahead of time, most brands do not require the models to attend all events. Talent will let their agent know which they can attend and the agents will book the talent as they see fit based on their availability. Because of the cost of travel, most brands require an auto show model to work the entirety of the auto show in a select city. Most auto shows are 5-15 days long with working day shifts lasting 6-12 hours depending on the brand requirement and schedule setup. This can be tiresome especially when considering you must be peppy and pleasant with all consumers at all times.

How much does an auto show model make?

Auto show models usually starts with a low wage and then gets a ‘raise’ the next season, assuming they did a great job and can prove value. Starting wages can be as low as $18/hour + travel + per diem but you can work your way up to as much as $800/day + travel + per diem or more depending on the specifics of the brands needs. When taking into account the length of an auto show and the number of hours worked each day, it’s a great way to make consistent income while getting to travel to major cities.

When are Auto Show Model Auditions?

They can be throughout the year if a brand needs more talent, but the majority of auditions and new talent castings occur in the late spring and early summer. Most brands make talent selections shortly after summer starts and continue throughout the summer wrapping up by late summer as that is when most brand talent training events occur.

When is the Auto Show Season?

The auto show ‘season’ starts in the late summer / early fall and goes for roughly 10 months. Very few if any auto shows occur over the summer (although supportive events and ride and drives are plentiful during that time) for which reason the ‘season’ ends in late spring and starts in early fall.

Read about: Why Do Women Models Pose Beside Cars at Auto Shows?

What do Auto Show Models Wear?

Many brands will provide the models with a specific set of wardrobe. Some brands will require the talent to return the wardrobe at the end of the ‘season’ others will get to keep theirs. Usually they are form fitting yet somewhat conservative apparel.